Literacy Rate in Pakistan Female & Male

The literacy rate in Pakistan has been a subject of focus for many years now. Despite the challenges, there has been a steady increase in both male and female literacy rates.

In Pakistan, literacy is defined as the ability of a person who can read a newspaper and write a simple letter in any language. According to a UNESCO report, Pakistan’s literacy rate is at 59%, with the male literacy rate at 71% and the female literacy rate at 49%.

This discrepancy is largely due to socio cultural norms and economic factors that prevent women from getting an education. However, trends show an encouraging change in this arena. With improved awareness campaigns and government initiatives, the female literacy rate has seen a significant improvement over the past decade.

Contrary to the general perception, literacy rates in rural areas have also seen a boost. This improvement is attributed mainly to the non-governmental organizations working towards spreading education in the rural parts of Pakistan.

However, there’s still a long way to go. With a population of over 200 million, a large number of people in Pakistan are still illiterate. The country is working towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 which aims at ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education for all, making it crucial for the government to speed up their efforts.

In Pakistan, the provincial governments have taken the initiative to improve the literacy rates. For example, Punjab’s provincial government launched the Parho Punjab, Barho Punjab campaign to increase the literacy rate.

Key Features:

  • Pakistan’s literacy rate is around 59%, with the male literacy rate at 71% and the female at 49%.
  • The government and NGOs are working towards increasing these rates.
  • Rural areas have seen a boost in literacy rates due to the efforts of NGOs.
  • Provincial governments have launched campaigns to improve literacy rates.

Ratio of Literacy in Pakistan

The projected literacy rate in Pakistan for the year 2023 is expected to see a considerable rise, given the ongoing educational initiatives by the government and NGOs. The exact figures are still being studied, but the trend suggests a promising outlook.

Pakistan’s literacy rate stands at an encouraging 59.13%.

Overall literacy rate, witnessing a jump from 53% to 57%.

Women’s literacy rates have also seen a positive increase, climbing from 54% to 57%.

Details of Expenses in the Education Sector

The government’s investment in the education sector has seen a significant increase over the past few years. The budget allocation for education has been primarily for infrastructure development, teacher training, and curriculum enhancement. However, the exact expenditure and its allocation need to be analyzed in detail.

  • Pakistan allocates roughly 7% of GDP towards educational expenditure.
  • Pakistan currently ranked 150th out of 189 countries on the Human Development Indicator.

Ratio of Education in Each Province of Pakistan

Education and literacy rates vary markedly across different provinces of Pakistan. Punjab has the highest literacy rate, followed by Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and Balochistan. Each province has its unique challenges and strategies in place to enhance education and literacy.

  • Punjab: Admission ratio in Punjab is higher (67.7%).
  • Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: Admission ratio At Khyber Pakhtunkhwa stands at 55.3%.
  • Sindh: Admission ratio in Sindh primary level education of 62.2 percent.
  • Balochistan: Balochistan has a low primary admission percentage of 55.5%, which presents issues for the country’s educational system. However, there is still a great deal of room for improvement.

Why Is Our Literacy Rate Low?

Despite the efforts, Pakistan’s literacy rate is comparatively low due to a multitude of factors. These include socio cultural norms, economic constraints, limited access to quality education, especially in rural areas, and gender disparities in education.

Male Literacy Rate in Pakistan

The male literacy rate at 71% in Pakistan for 2023 is expected to climb further due to improved access to education. The efforts of government campaigns and NGO initiatives are critical to this positive shift.

Pakistan Female Literacy Rate

In 2023, the female literacy rate in Pakistan is anticipated to see a substantial rise. This is mainly due to increased awareness about the importance of female education and the implementation of gender sensitive policies.

  • Female literacy rate at 49%.

Details of Expenses on education sector

The detailed breakdown of expenses in the education sector reveals significant spending on infrastructure, teacher salaries, and learning resources. However, many argue that more funds should be allocated towards improving the quality of education and inclusivity.

Ratio of literacy in Pakistan

The overall literacy rate in Pakistan for 2023, combining both male and female, is projected to increase. Continued efforts towards educational reform are essential to achieving this goal.

Efforts to Improve Female Literacy

Despite the socio-cultural and economic constraints that have historically disadvantaged women’s education in Pakistan, progress is evident. The government, along with several NGOs, is committed to increasing female literacy. Campaigns focusing on the importance of education for girls have started to shift public opinion, contributing significantly towards a 10% increase in women’s literacy over the last three years. The journey towards gender equality in education, while long, is clearly underway.

The Role of Non Governmental Organizations

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have played a crucial role in improving literacy rates, particularly in rural areas. They have undertaken extensive efforts to set up educational facilities and run awareness programs, overcoming geographical and socio-cultural challenges. Their work has resulted in a considerable boost in rural literacy rates, indicating the transformative power of community-based efforts.

The Influence of Provincial Government Initiatives

The provincial governments in Pakistan have been instrumental in promoting literacy. For instance, the Punjab government launched the ‘Parho Punjab, Barho Punjab’ campaign, which has significantly increased literacy rates in the region. Such initiatives indicate the potential of localized efforts in advancing national literacy goals.


While the current literacy rate in Pakistan leaves room for improvement, the trend is positive. The combined efforts of the government, NGOs, and provincial initiatives are making headway in improving both male and female literacy rates. With continued commitment and innovation, Pakistan can achieve its Sustainable Development Goal of ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education for all.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the current literacy rate in Pakistan?

The current literacy rate in Pakistan is approximately 59%, with the male literacy rate at 71% and the female rate at 49%.

  1. What is the projected literacy rate in Pakistan for 2023?

The exact figures are still being studied, but the ongoing educational initiatives suggest a promising increase in the literacy rate for 2023.

  1. How are the provincial governments contributing to improving the literacy rate in Pakistan?

Provincial governments have launched various campaigns to enhance literacy rates. An example is the ‘Parho Punjab, Barho Punjab’ campaign by the Punjab government.

  1. What role do NGOs play in improving literacy rates in Pakistan?

NGOs have been crucial in boosting literacy rates, especially in rural areas, by setting up educational facilities and running awareness programs.

  1. Why is Pakistan’s literacy rate still low despite the efforts?

The country’s literacy rate is impacted by multiple factors, including socio-cultural norms, economic constraints, limited access to quality education, and gender disparities in education.

  1. What steps are being taken to improve female literacy in Pakistan?

Increased awareness about the importance of female education and the implementation of gender-sensitive policies are major steps towards improving female literacy. Both government and NGOs are working diligently in this direction.