The Namaz e Taraweeh and its related Dua has been around for centuries. For any pious Muslim to experience the enrichment provided by this special prayer requires knowledge of the Arabic language, in order to pronounce the words of this beautiful dua correctly. In addition we are providing translations of this sacred dua in english, urdu & Malayalam so that all Muslims are able to benefit from. Taraweeh is performed during Ramadan one of the most important prayers for Muslims in this month.
Taraweeh Niyaat
Making an intention to offer Taraweeh or Sunnat-e-Maukida for the sake of Allah is an essential part of prayer. One should make this intention in their heart, facing towards the Kaaba and saying “Allahu Akbar” while standing behind the Imam. The Taraweeh should be offered in Cycles (Rakaats) of two each. To reinvigorate the mind and spirit, many Muslims choose to pause after every four cycles and recite special Tasbeeh. This includes reciting Kalemah in addition to salutations a sure way to deepen one’s relationship with Allah through this religious prayer.
Namaz e Taraweeh Ki Dua
Namaz e Taraweeh is a special form of namaz offered during the holy month of Ramadan. The special Dua associated with this prayer should be read from the heart, with humility and sincerity. While the exact words of the Dua vary, they usually consist of phrases praising Allah, The Most High, as well as prayers to be accepted by Him and receive His mercy and favor. Although there is no authentic hadith that reports Taraweeh Dua, several Islamic Scholars recommend reciting certain supplications before and during Taraweeh prayers. Either way, it is important to remember that while offering these prayers, one should be mindful of their intention and come forth with a sincere heart in order to make his/her Duas truly acceptable.
Namaz e Taraweeh Ki Dua

Taraweeh ki Dua Hindi Translation:

Taraweeh Dua Malayalam Language:

Taraweeh Salat Tasbih

Tarawih salaah is a sunnat mu-akkadah for both men and women, which means that it is highly recommended to perform this salaah. While it is sunnat-kifayah for men to perform Tarawih with jama’ah at the Masjid, those who perform their Tarawih alone at home are not committing a sin unless all their neighbours do too due to neglecting jama’ah. The time for Tarawih runs from after Isha salaah until a little before Subhus-Sadiq, although this salaah can be done before or after the Witr Salaah. If someone has missed a few rak’ah of tarawih due to any reason and the Imam has already started witr, then they may join in witr and can complete their tarawih later.