Exams can be a source of stress and fear for many people. Whether you are preparing for school, college or university exams, the pressure to get good marks can often overwhelm us. We all hope that with hard work and dedication we get through our tests successfully. But it is also important to rely on greater faith in Allah (S.W.T). Dua and prayer hold special significance when we need help and who is more helpful then the Almighty Allah, Which is why supplication should always accompany academic efforts whenever taking an exam like Imtihan Mein Pass Hone Ki Dua meaning ‘The Prayer of Passing An Exam. From understanding how to make dua correctly and teaching yourself positive affirmations, there are several ways by which you can invoke divine blessing upon your future tests.
Imtihan Mein Pass Hone Ki Dua
Apko Imtehan deny se Pehly Ye Ayyat 7 martba or 7 martba darood shareef prhna he.
Wazifa to Get Success in Exams
Imtehan Mein Pass Hone Ka Wazifa
We give you some wazify for passing your exams and hope these Ayyat help you achieve your goal.