When is Eid ul Adha 2024 Date & Celebration in Pakistan

Eid ul Adha, also known as the Festival of Sacrifice, is a special day celebrated in many Muslim countries around the world. This important Islamic holiday holds great significance and commemorates Hazrat Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son Hazrat Ishmael upon Allah’s command. Every year on the 10th day of Dhul Hijjah in the Islamic calendar, Muslims all over celebrate this event with festivities, gatherings and traditional food. As Eid ul Adha 2024 approaches there are some things that you need to know about it in order to make sure you have an enjoyable experience when joining your family for this special celebration. In this blog post we will look closer at what Eid al Adha is, how and where it is celebrated, its history and traditions as well as its date for 2024- get ready to learn more about one of Islam’s most sacred days.

When is Eid ul Adha 2024?

The anticipation for Eid ul Adha is mounting with the approach of the Islamic calendar’s twelveth and final month, Dhul-Hijjah. The exact date of the festival is dependent on the sighting of the crescent moon, an event that is eagerly anticipated by the Muslim community. On June 17th, 2024, the new moon is expected to emerge, and if it is seen on that very day, it indicates the beginning of Dhul-Hijjah. The tenth day of this month is the day of celebration for Eid ul Adha, a day to reflect on and honor the story of the Prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son for God’s command.

S.NoEid ul AdhaDate
1Monday, 10 Dhul Hijjah 1445h17/June/2024
2Sunday, 09 Dhul Hijjah 1445h16/June/2024

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Eid ul Adha date 2024

Mark your calendars because on Sunday, 16 June 2024, the Islamic community will come together to celebrate Eid ul Adha. While the actual date may change depending on the sighting of the moon of Dhul Hijjah, the current prediction is that this year’s Eid ul Adha will be celebrated on that day. Eid ul Adha is a significant occasion for Muslims around the world, as it commemorates Prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son in obedience to God. This celebration is marked by special prayers, feasts, and the exchange of gifts. Whether it’s spending time with loved ones or offering charity to those in need, Eid ul Adha is a time of reflection and appreciation for the blessings of life.

How Muslim Celebrate Eid ul Adha

On Eid ul Adha, Muslims around the world wear their best clothes to celebrate. They gather in mosques or outdoor prayer grounds to offer special congregational prayers and listen to a sermon (khutbah). After this, they sacrifice an animal such as a cow, goat or sheep in remembrance of Ibrahim’s ultimate act of obedience to God. This act is known as Qurbani and the meat from the sacrificed animal is then divided into three parts. One third is given away to those in need, another third is kept for family and friends, with the remaining one-third kept at home by the sacrificing family.

Eid ul Adha also marks a time of joy, celebration and happiness for the Muslim community. Families often exchange gifts, have special banquets, enjoy traditional sweet treats and desserts such as Baklawa, Karabij or Baklava. Eid ul Adha is also an opportunity to give back to those in need by donating food or money to charities or local soup kitchens.

Finally, Eid ul Adha is an opportunity to reflect on the mercy and compassion of Allah (God) and his infinite blessings. Throughout the day, Muslims will take time out for personal reflection and prayer. They may also visit family members or friends who have passed away in order to seek forgiveness for their sins and make amends with those they have wronged. Muslims will also recite special Eid ul Adha Du’as (prayers) and make charitable donations in order to express gratitude for the blessings they have been given.

Eid ul Adha is a special time of the year that brings Muslims together to remember and celebrate God