Deosai National Park Ticket Price Location

Located in northern Pakistan, the Deosai National Park is a spectacle of nature’s splendor. At an average elevation of 4,114 meters above sea level, the park spans an impressive 3,000 square kilometers, making it one of the highest plateaus in the world. The Deosai Plains, often referred to as the ‘roof of the world’, offer visitors an unspoiled landscape festooned with wildflowers and a rich variety of wildlife.

The park is home to a diverse range of species including the Himalayan Brown Bear, Snow Leopard, and Golden Marmot, to name a few. What makes Deosai unique is its role as the second-largest habitat of the endangered Himalayan Brown Bear, with a population of about 63 bears being reported in 2017.

One cannot talk about Deosai without mentioning its breathtaking array of flora. The plains are adorned with a blanket of wildflowers and unique plant species during the summer months, resulting in a riot of colors that stretches as far as the eye can see. The park is also host to about 124 resident and migratory bird species, making it a haven for bird watchers.

The climate of Deosai is subarctic, with long, cold winters characterized by heavy snowfall and short, cool summers. The park remains closed from November end to May due to the extreme weather conditions.

Visitors to Deosai are rewarded with not just an immersion into nature but also a glimpse into the local culture. The park is surrounded by villages where locals follow a traditional lifestyle, providing a unique cultural experience.

  • The second-largest habitat of the endangered Himalayan Brown Bear
  • Home to a rich variety of flora and fauna, including about 124 bird species
  • One of the highest plateaus in the world, with an average elevation of 4,114 meters
  • Offers a unique cultural experience with surrounding local villages

Deosai National Park Entry Ticket Price

Ticket TypePRICE
Locals of Gilgit /BaltistanPKR 40
Pakistani NationalsPKR 100
ForeignersUSD 10$

Adventure Activities in Deosai National Park

For adventure seekers, Deosai National Park offers a plethora of exciting activities. From thrilling wildlife photography expeditions to challenging treks across the high-altitude terrain, the park is a playground for outdoor enthusiasts. The Sheosar Lake in the park is a notable spot for camping and star gazing.

Conservation Efforts in Deosai National Park

The park is not just a natural paradise but also a site of significant conservation efforts. The focus has been primarily on preserving the habitat of the endangered Himalayan Brown Bear. The Deosai Bear Project, initiated in 1993, has been instrumental in increasing the bear population and promoting conservation education among locals and visitors alike.

The Unique Flora of Deosai National Park

The park boasts a rich variety of flora which is especially evident during the summer months when the plains are transformed into a canvas of vibrant colors. The Deosai Plains are known for their unique alpine flowers not found anywhere else in the world. This diverse plant life plays a vital role in maintaining the park’s ecosystem, providing food and habitat to numerous animal and bird species.

Experiencing Local Culture around Deosai National Park

The park is surrounded by quaint villages where visitors get an opportunity to immerse themselves in local culture. From traditional houses to the warm hospitality of the villagers, these cultural experiences add an extra dimension to a visit to Deosai National Park. Indigenous crafts, local cuisine, and traditional music and dance are an integral part of the cultural landscape around the park.

Best Time to Visit Deosai National Park

The best time to visit the Deosai National Park is during the summer months, from June to September. During this time, the weather is pleasant, and the plains are at their most beautiful, adorned with a carpet of wildflowers. The park remains closed from November end to May due to the extreme winter conditions.

Wildlife Spotting in Deosai National Park

Deosai National Park offers plenty of opportunities for wildlife spotting. Apart from the Himalayan Brown Bear, Snow Leopard, and Golden Marmot, visitors can also spot a variety of bird species. An early morning or late evening stroll can increase chances of wildlife spotting, so keep your binoculars and camera ready!

The Spectacular Sheosar Lake

At an altitude of 4,142 meters, Sheosar Lake is one of the highest and most beautiful lakes in the world. Surrounded by wildflowers in the summer and snow in the winter, the lake offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape. It’s an ideal spot for picnic, photography, and even camping for the adventurous.

Local Cuisine around Deosai National Park

Experience the local cuisine in the villages surrounding Deosai National Park. Traditional dishes are prepared with locally sourced ingredients, providing a unique culinary experience. Be sure to try out the regional specialties and enjoy the hospitality of the locals.

Hiking Trails in Deosai National Park

For trekkers and nature enthusiasts, Deosai offers numerous hiking trails that take you through the heart of the park, offering an up-close experience of the unique flora and fauna. The trails vary in length and difficulty, catering to both novice and experienced hikers.

History of Deosai National Park

The Deosai National Park has a history as rich and diverse as its flora and fauna. Despite its rugged terrain and extreme weather conditions, the area has been home to various cultures over the centuries. Evidence of ancient civilizations can be found in the form of rock carvings in the surrounding areas. The park was established in 1993 with the primary objective to protect the endangered Himalayan Brown Bear and its habitat.


In conclusion, Deosai National Park is a natural gem that offers a unique blend of breathtaking landscapes, diverse wildlife, vibrant flora, and rich local culture. Whether you’re an adventure enthusiast, a wildlife photographer, or a nature lover, Deosai offers an unmatched experience. While we marvel at its beauty, it’s crucial to remember our responsibility towards the conservation of this pristine ecosystem and its inhabitants.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How can one reach Deosai National Park?

Deosai National Park can be reached via the cities of Skardu and Astore. It’s advisable to use a 4×4 vehicle due to the rugged terrain.

2. What should one pack for a trip to Deosai National Park?

Visitors should pack according to the season. Warm clothing is a must due to the high altitude. Other essentials include sturdy footwear, sunscreen, water bottles, and binoculars for wildlife viewing.

3. Are there accommodation facilities within the park?

While there are no hotels inside the park, camping is allowed in specific areas. Alternatively, there are hotels and guesthouses in the nearby towns.